Wednesday, August 8, 2018

"Despite all the talk about focusing on the "here and now," you need to focus on the future. That doesn't mean in any way abandoning your current projects, talent development, or investments. Rather, your primary task is to trace various trajectories into worlds beyond the one you currently inhabit. In doing this, you simply must have a vision for who you want to become. The old and somewhat annoying job interview question -- "Where do you see yourself in five years?" -- is really a question about how you envision your future. Right now, you might say that a door is open, allowing you a porthole into your own possibilities, and your own potential. Imagine you're a science fiction author, describing yourself as a character. Imagine the story is unusual, strange and a little spectacular. Imagine the person you're writing about has some rather unique talents, which will emerge into some form of rare distinction if they are consciously developed, and if the principle of synergy is activated. This idea means "the whole is greater than the sum of the parts." Exclude no aspect of who you are from your vision. Include nascent abilities, longings, and forgotten accomplishments in your assessment. Come up with three vastly different possibilities for yourself: for example, the virtuoso musician who becomes a theater director. The search and rescue team leader who becomes a historian. The devoted mother who leads a nation. This kind of thing." - eric francis

The indigenous people we visit and study with on our trips tell us that the only thing standing in the way of crossing that perception bridge into a new and better reality is a jaguar that terrifies us (for example, the fear of change, the fear of failure, the fear of ridicule). It is a mistake to run from the jaguar, to avoid or deny that which we fear. Instead we must go to it, confront it, touch it. When we do, the jaguar gives us its power.
Daily Practices for a Happier Life and Better World
  1. Define your dream, your greatest desire, a life that will bring you the most happiness;
  2. Describe how your dream can support a Life Economy;
  3. Put 1. and 2. in writing;
  4. Identify the jaguar that blocks you from realizing your dream and what you must do to touch that jaguar and receive its power;
  5. Read 3 and 4 to yourself every morning and take daily actions to make them happen. Realize that actions can be as simple as sending an email or as complicated as running for public office. The important thing: Do something every single day that advances your dream for a happier life and a better world.
Five years from now my Beloved and I will be walking, riding horses along a beach somewhere and talking endlessly immersed in Infinite Creative Conversation.

Monday, June 11, 2018




Before we cultivated grains, we collected the wild bounty of nature. The Gatherer finds abundant seeds, nuts, berries, and wild greens where the ordinary person sees only barren soil. The gatherer is the provider, the forager, and the gardener who collects roots and vegetables for the long winter when game is scarce. She does not hoard, trusting the bounty around her.

Look at the resources you already have close at hand. This is a time of abundance. Everything around you is ripe and ready for harvest. Banish the notions of scarcity that have limited your choices and colored your destiny. Pack your food for the winter, and start with the low-hanging fruit that is all around you!

Do not wander too far afield in search for what Spirit has already provided. Practice paying it forward, being thankful in advance of receiving. If you are in a scarcity mindset, open your heart to look beyond current conditions, and you will find the bounty being offered to you. Practice sharing, not hoarding.


The witness observes without engaging in any action. By cultivating inner stillness, we are able to assess any situation from a higher perspective and make better decisions. When we can be present for someone else’s difficulties with stillness, then we are able to truly hear them and give better advice. Sometimes we can be so still that we are a mirror for the other. Then, through our presence, they receive their own answers.

The witness that has been by your side all along is now ready to become your ally. You thought you were the doer, but today you discover that things happen when you get out of the way. Witness creation unfolding before you. Change reality by finding stillness and letting your true intent reveal itself.

Acknowledge your preconceptions, ideas, and feelings about the situation you are in, but resist the urge to change any of it. Do not fall back into your controlling patterns. Instead, take a few breaths, and connect with the joy of not having to perform. Hold space for the world to keep spinning on its own.



Angels, divine helpers, the Ancient Ones, and all varieties of luminous beings populate the upper world. It is the place where you go to retrieve your destiny and find out who you will become, discover your great potentials and undreamt-of possibilities. It is also the place where the spirits of the dead arrive when they complete their journey to the light.

The upper world is calling you to step into your fully realized self. Clear distractions so that you can move into a higher destiny. Do not fall to the temptation to craft a slightly more improved version of yourself. What you perceive as a problem or an obstacle is in fact the irritation you need to take the great leap. Remember you cannot cross the Grand Canyon in two small jumps.

Ask your divine helpers for guidance. If the oracle has already spoken to you, do not ask for more guidance; take what has been offered. Now you must deal with the lethargy and idleness. While support for a new destiny is not yet in place, a new destination is available to you if you act now.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Well, I certainly need this!

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Can you afford to hire someone to do your 
busy work for a while? If so, do it. If not, see if you can avoid the busy 
work for a while. In my astrological opinion, you need to deepen and refine 
your skills at lounging around and doing nothing. The cosmic omens 
strongly and loudly and energetically suggest that you should be soft and 
quiet and placid. It's time for you to recharge your psychospiritual 
batteries as you dream up new approaches to making love, making 
money, and making sweet nonsense. Please say a demure "no, thanks" to 
the strident demands of the status quo, my dear. Trust the stars in your 
own eyes.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

What is this? A conversation with Leone.

Random clipboard copy from my voice/text app..

Like a lag pic!

... read out loud neither Patrick nor Tommy had left the United States before and was sharp had enough for over 20 years getting the three of them overnight passwords tickets and enough was enough clean closings with sizable job nickel I've been doing my thing is lately I've been reading out loud and then just posting it that's so cool 17 is my new high score I'm on fire so have you been doing been doing remarkably well considering considering the fact that I'm old getting old people that are wise when they're older much better now that I'm older or younger I feel great hope younger than what I feel younger than before I feel younger than ever in edgewise I'm okay let's put it this way when you're upset alright so you're an adolescent so it's similar for you my age kind of expectations that when you're all you're going to get more feeble and you're going to you know this not the other thing so I don't have to do that maybe you can just you can just dictate your essay into the voice recognition just talk it out loud and then just edit it that's up to you know hey that's not my talking skills no problem Tucker said you were down talk I was just kind of a Bonner I'm great at everything when you talk about better than you at everything I'm better than everybody I'm perfect why don't you say I'm okay I'm great you know so you could be taking advantage of my cooking skills Marty really good cooker I'm not really good I'm decent enough to survive no you cannot survive eggs I think I actually I do actually enjoy cooking oddly enough my grandmother was a great cook I got new high score you know my scrubs 1745 now you watch Freaks and Geeks nope Freaks and Geeks well everything looks so well at school where to get a bunch of really cool stuff help me out you can come see if you want well I will then meanwhile back at the ranch does ranch dressing I'm joking I was going along with it so now I got this stuff how do I make biscuits kill or I could make instead of biscuits I could make and I'm doing amazing right now 48 now it's just like Daddy lets me London Broil you could you could be at times for Geek freak I guess I can eat some of this Ernest poison and I trust myself but what if you poison yourself really weird about me well there's a lot of things I love tofu weird I really like it pretty good I don't love it but I don't Beat It your Dad forgot about you yeah problem yeah I'll go down there soon when I do my paragraph when you get here Patrick what's so funny this is delicious you're not better than me of course foodporn nice that's supposed to say you should I not right but that's what you're supposed to spend some of the most disgusting leave wet sounding fart I got this new landscape and I got this and I got a CD player that whenever it touches stuff that makes music note C I'm doing challenges is it not working and I'm on 43 easy Brandon can you hike or no are you proud of me the one you want to do the paragraph ready to do it solo bulshit mine how do I need let me know when you're ready why don't you tell me you're not ready because you're not station I'm just ready when you are I'm ready whenever you are so can you help me with this character analysis yes I can but you the character analysis I can't help you until you're doing it I'm doing it so tell me what you need to know why don't you start I don't know how to start well why don't you what do you have to do you have to decide how the actions of various affect other the plot and other characters in the story I need like the mechanics and they kind of get through like there are many ways that colder there effect has affected the plot and other characters yeah you can say it has had a profound influence on the other characters due to these reasons has colder the protagonist Calder has what has had a profound some special had a profound impact on the characters impact Aries characters Mary other so you've been which I'll do Petra and Tommy first varies VR iOS OU Call of Duty protagonist has has had a profound impact on the plot in the various other characters can I do one of which is when he