Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Back in the old days of social media, we used to have a lot of fun!! This is from April 25, 2009

1.) I'm pretty random by nature, which is why I love to putter, moving from task to task without any plan. "Go with the flow" is my nature.

2.) Music is my favorite earthly phenomenon. I can literally do nothing but LISTEN for hours and hours. It's a gateway to beautiful spaces.

3.) I am sinfully lazy to the point of slothfulness. Also, I'm rather proud of this as I feel laziness is the mother of invention, and have found many ingenious methods to do things without expending much energy.

4.) I've been putting off doing this "25 Things" note.

5.) I like to put things in order. I can get a tad obsessive about this, which is why

6.) I like to have a minimum of stuff. If one is both lazy and obsessive, this is the wise choice.

7.) I spend a lot of time in the worlds inside my self, which are spectacularly beautiful and also make sense to me.

8,) I find this world confusing and dismaying most of the time and have never quite gotten the hang of how to manage it all. It really makes no sense to me and the worlds inside me do make sense. So..

9.) I spend an absurd amount of time totally alone and happy. I like to keep track of humans I like, which is what facebook is all about, but mostly I'm content to randomly putter and hum and do little dances.

10.) I like my body and tend to it like the owner of a vintage Jaguar. I brush my hair and buff my nails and rub scented oils into my skin. I stretch, yawn and dance a lot.

11.) Art is my major activity, and even this is totally a Selfish activity. It is my SELF talking to my self. I have a lot to learn from my SELF, I find.

12.) I believe all sentient Beings have a SELF and that SELF-knowledge and self cultivation are one's primary duties in this life.

13.) I am quite sure that "reality is more malleable than we realize. I know experientially that if a group of people are "together" they can shape their local reality to a considerable extent.

14.) My ideal reality would be a planetary permaculture Rainbow Gathering. Peace and Love, y'all!! Welcome Home.

15.) I am baffled when people mock peace, love and happiness. Um, duh, do you think discord, hatred and misery are preferable? OK... Whatever floats your boat, baby. Different strokes for different folks.

16.) I like warm colorful socks. I like clothes in general mainly for decorative and expressive purposes, but comfort is a big factor. I'd like to have a clothing manufactory for clothes I design because then people would be a lot more fun to look at. Maybe they would feel happier too if their clothes were cosy and lovely.

17.) I think men might enjoy themselves more if they allowed themselves to be pretty and silly. I love being pretty and silly and almost never wished to be the opposite. (I did go through a period of SELF denial, which was horrid!)

18.) I play a lot of video games. I've learn things from them which have served me well on various occasions.

19.) I especially like getting older. Humans generally seem to improve with age.

20.) Eternal life is appealing to me. I have an idea that we haven't even scratched the surface of what's possible. My sense about life is that it is an Infinite Game. And I just wanna play!

21.) I really like my Mom. She's a pip.

22.) Although dead, my Dad still visits with me on occasion.

23.) Yes I really am crazy. Or at least the opposite of what passes for sanity in this realm.

24.) I own my Shadow.

25.) Truth is Elegant.

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