Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Things seem to be looking good these days. It seems to me that maybe by electing Obama, the US is saying we want to be in fellowship with the rest of the world; we are not afraid, we do not hate. If we are actually past the mode of unceasing hostility and paranoia, we will then have to address a vast array of problems. The creativity and energy which has gone into making was may now begin to be channeled into making a pleasant home for the many beings with whom we share this sphere. Ignorance, poverty, absurd values...fortunately many people have been working quietly of solutions to them all, and if the dinosaurs of greed and hatred are extincted, then the mammals of peace and brotherhood may flourish.*9

"Oh how I wonder, oh how I worry and I would dearly like to know If all this wonder of earthly plunder will leave us anything to show And our time is flyin' see the candle burnin' low It’s the new world rising, from the shambles of the old If we could just join hands."
("The Rover", Led Zeppelin Physical Graffiti 1975)

One of the most daunting issues is the war on intelligence.
Early on in childhood, smart kids and teachers are poked fun at and portrayed as humorless losers, pedantic bores, snobs, elitists, grinds, etc.
Right now I'm in a living situation where I can observe at close range the effects of "dumbing down". I am also observing in myself the effects of being reluctant to appear smart for fear of making others feel inadequate somehow.
In the past I didn't mind being a bore and I was usually a good audience for others, no matter how boring or trite their conversations. Also I avoided making suggestions as to how things can be improved as I realized early on that people don't want to hear suggestions. I learned to shut up and have also shut down almost completely just to be able to live at peace.
But this blogging thing is a wonderful device where I can actually say what I really think and don't have to wave it in anyone's face. If they are interested, they can read it and if not, so be it.
I just do need to have an outlet other than my sketchbooks, although I feel safer having no one really know what I think or feel. The exceptions are my sons, who have gotten earfuls throughout their lives.
I don't think it has done them any harm, frankly.

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